You decided to start a business, but there is no money for advertising? Then this article is for you. When you start a business with a minimum capital, you need to start with awesome marketing. But for these steps, you will not need a huge marketing budget. You will need only your brain, time and understanding of an ultimate goal.
  1. Backlinks from service providers

For ranking in search engines, it is good when the site has high-quality backlinks. Where can you get them? We do not recommend buying definitely. If you have partnerships with service providers or business partners, then you can use the links. Contact your business partners, suppliers and ask them to post a link to your site on their website. So you will have some great links, and you’ll spend only a few minutes, sending out requests by email.
  1. Looking for indirect references

This is another great way to get backlinks and improve the credibility of your site. You need to find indirect references to your brand or product in online publications or on websites. Write an email to the editors of the site and ask them to provide a link. You can find many mentions of the brand. Quick search, several emails and us a result – you have free links and a cool rating in your “pocket”.
  1. Find a good partner for yourself

Another method of marketing some companies use is cross-promotion. This will allow you to work with a lot of projects: they can sell your products and services through you and vice versa. For example, if you provide consulting services for online business people, you can advise them to contact specific web designers to create sites. The designer is your cross-partner who will recommend you to your clients as a professional and a good consultant.
  1. Comments and other’s blogs

The idea of marketing is to make brand’s name known as much as possible. Commenting on blogs is one of the cool moves for this. Identify the top 5 blogs in your niche.
  • Read them and regularly give comments on these blogs.
  • People will see your name and associate the brand with your name. They may even be interested, and they will visit your site definitely
  • Each comment allows you to establish the permanent presence of your brand. Make sure that you give sensible comments because their quality will depend on the perception of your brand.
  1. State yourselves on Google+

Google+ is one of the main platforms for building a brand. The more you are presented on the Internet, the better Google’s search results you will get. This will give a good indexing on the network.
  1. Affiliate Programs

The coolest forms of marketing are those that you can include, customize and observe their organic growth, with minimal efforts. Affiliate programs are not for all business areas, but they are worth trying to implement. The very creation of an affiliate program makes the client part of the sales department.
  1. Using CRM systems and applications which will send data to these systems

CRM-system is a system of interaction with clients, which includes the following main blocks:
  1. Fixing of interactions with the client;
  2. Planning the work with the client;
  3. Data for monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of the sales system;
  4. Automation of the sales business process.
You will also need an application that sends all the data to the system. At each business meeting, there is an exchange of business cards. It’s often very difficult to keep all business cards and not to lose them.You can use a very convenient application – Business Card Reader for Insightly. This application is among the top 10 best applications for scanning business cards around the world. The simplicity of use makes it even more user-friendly. Scan the required business card information just in two steps:
  1. Scan your business card data.
  2. Send this data to the CRM system.
You do not need to monitor each partner or client separately. Open your system and enjoy the ready-made base of partners or clients.


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